3 this week because I am bored and re-discovered Myspace.
1. Ponytail
They have the ugliest, brain warping Myspace page around but some of the most rip roaring party starting tunes blasting out of it. Can I say 'Art-Metal'? I just did, get over it. Experimental but heavy in all the right places Ponytail sit alogside current transatlantic luminaries Abe Vigoda, Yeasayer and Dirty Projectors in bringing us sounds that are not a million miles away from certain influences but 2 steps forward as well. It's jagged and bleeding but it's pretty nonetheless.
2. Vivian Girls
'Standing In The Way Of Control saw Beth Ditto made an awfully large splash (Must. Avoid. Jokes) but nobody has seemed to pick up the riot grrl baton and run with it. Sure Yo Majesty are having a go but they are a million miles away in terms of music, Brooklyns Vivian Girls on the other hand have all the ingrediants to continue the movement Gossip re-invigorated 2 years ago. Scuzzy recordings of battered and bruised songs like 'Tell The World' and 'Wild Eyes' may lack FM aesthetics but they boast more charm and character than 90% of bands out there. As sweet as they are dirty Vivian Girls hit UK shores in December to promote their self titled debut LP.
MYSPACE3. Fan Death
Rule of thumb: If Erol Alkan is involved, it tends to be good. From Trash to Late Of The Pier by way of Mystery Jets and countless remixes everything he fiddles with turns to gold. Fan Death are the latest recipients of his midas touch. Treading on the Glass Candy/ Hercules & Love Affair camp disco path Fan Death are by no mean original but there are brains behind their neon lights. 'Veronicas Veil' is a swirling stomp that led to the aforementioned Alkan remix, it is their best song and looks set to take floors by storm. A la Snoop drop their name whilst it's hot.
* I will think of a better name for this feature, promise.

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