Music can be a ruthless game, chewing up and spitting out bands without a seconds warning- todays crown prince can so quickly be tomorrows whipping boy. In the same week Pull Tiger Tail finally release their debut album Humanzi hit the campaign trail, attempting to re-establish themselves as a band to really care about.
Coming to prominence in 2006 the Irish quartet struck a chord with their powerful rock aggression and supported Carl Barat's Dirty Pretty Things on numerous tours. However their debut album 'Tremors' caused very little of the sort and the band were cast asunder presumably never to be heard of again. That was until earlier this year when the rumbling of 'Bass Balls' emerged online and the band announced their return.
Taking to the stage at a night put on by Gavin and Stacey star Mat Horne the band immediately show they have lost none of the intensity or punchy vigour that saw them grab attention three years ago. A raucous 'Diet Pills and Magazines' rushes by and starts the show off at a canter followed by new material containing a series of riffs and chanted sloganeering from singer Shaun Mulrooney. As the short set progresses however the facade of originality melts and the influence of Primal Scream becomes overwhelmingly apparent. The combination of rumbling bass, distorted vocals and fuzzed synths are hard to combine without sounding like Bobby Gillespie et al however there are parts of the set tonight where it's almost straight plagiarism, or even worse- diet Kasabian.
The show ends with a rousing version of debut album cut 'Fix The Cracks' but you can't shake the feeling that this is one comeback that won't be making those who forgot the band rue their decision.

What did the boys from TNPS play on the 1's and 2's?
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