From the embers of glam dance act Dead Disco rises Little Boots. Also known as Victoria Hesketh Little Boots has been gaining attention since the Summer with a sound amalgamating Ladytrons cold edge with Hot Chips relentless hooks and beats. The latter is provided by LB producer and Hot Chip member Joe Goddard (also producing the equally brilliant Dels). Having only played her first gig under the Little Boots moniker recently this project is very much in its infancy but looks set to be on countless 'Hot In 2009' lists come December. It's not hard to see why either, the two singles to this date 'Stuck On Repeat' and 'Meddle' are uber-cool slices of disco based electro that are rooted and underpinned by a huge pop sensibility. Little Boots will be at In The City this week as well as playing the following dates this week-

Introducing... Little Boots
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