OK, so the new bands pieces I have been doing now have a place to live online besides here. I will be writing about one new band a day on Gigwise. This week I've written about Sebastien Grainger, Hockey, Turbowolf, The Tough Alliance and Lovvers. Next week another 5. I'l keep going until I run out but I have a list as long as my arm and am adding to it all the time.

Like most Scandinavian music The Tough Alliance sound relaxed and almost glacial in their approach. ‘Neo Violence’ is a glorious slice of ambient dance euphoria that The Avalanches would be proud of whilst ‘Koka Kola Veins’ brings the funk in the most laid back manner imaginable. TTA’s music has a hypnotic swirling quality that places it between Saturday night disco lights and Sunday mornings spinning head.
The bands website is frustratingly bare and having only set up their Myspace page in September this year The Tough Alliance are a frustratingly hard band to learn about. So until further details emerge you will have to simply immerse yourself in the dreamy landscapes these two Swedes create so lavishly.
They say punk is dead but they have never heard Lovvers. Having recently released their first EP ‘Think’ on Wichita (Los Campesinos, Les Savy Fav) Lovvers are moving precociously close to achieving the potential they have promised since they first appeared some eighteen months ago.
The aforementioned EP is a short sharp shock to the system encompassing seven tracks in just thirteen minutes. Break neck speed indeed. Clearly indebted to gyrating punk maverick Iggy Pop Lovvers craft a blend of raw jagged aggression with a fine ear for melodies and choruses. Take ‘Human Hair’ for example, repeated listens leave the nagging refrain lodged in your head for days on end. Try shaking it, you can’t.
Lovvers tour the country supporting first Matador records hit factory Jay Reatard before joining Abe Vigoda on their tour of the UK’s toilet venues. Gigwise cannot stress enough how good those shows will be.

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